k2hdkcpx Functions
The K2HDKC PHP Extension provides the following functions for operation to K2HDKC.
Function list
- k2hdkcpx_add_subkey - Adds a new subkey to a key
- k2hdkcpx_cas_decrement - Decrements a variable in a cluster by using a CAS operation
- k2hdkcpx_cas_get - Gets a variable from a cluster using a CAS operation
- k2hdkcpx_cas_increment - Increments a variable in a cluster by using a CAS operation
- k2hdkcpx_cas_init - Initializes a variable in a cluster by using a CAS operation
- k2hdkcpx_cas_set - Sets a value in a cluster by using a CAS operation
- k2hdkcpx_clear_subkeys - Removes all subkeys of a key
- k2hdkcpx_close - Closes a chmpx handle
- k2hdkcpx_get_attributes - Retrievs attributes of a key
- k2hdkcpx_get_subkeys - Gets all subkeys of a key
- k2hdkcpx_get_value - Gets a value of a key
- k2hdkcpx_key_queue_get - Gets a pair of a key/value from a queue
- k2hdkcpx_key_queue_put - Puts a pair of a key/value from a queue
- k2hdkcpx_open - Creates a connection to chmpx slave
- k2hdkcpx_queue_get - Gets a value from a queue
- k2hdkcpx_queue_put - Puts a value to a queue
- k2hdkcpx_remove - Removes a pair of a key/value
- k2hdkcpx_remove_subkeys - Removes subkeys
- k2hdkcpx_rename - Renames a key
- k2hdkcpx_set_subkeys - Sets subkeys of a key
- k2hdkcpx_set_value - Sets a pair of a key/value
- k2hdkcpx_bump_debug_level - Changes the log level
- k2hdkcpx_disable_comlog - Disables the communication log output
- k2hdkcpx_enable_comlog - Enables the communication log output
- k2hdkcpx_is_enable_comlog - Check the enable/disable of the communication log output
- k2hdkcpx_load_debug_env - Sets a message output and output destination according to the value
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_file - Specify the file to output message
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_level_dump - Sets a message output level to dump
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_level_error - Sets a message output level to error
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_level_message - Sets a message output level to message
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_level_silent - Sets a message output level to silent
- k2hdkcpx_set_debug_level_warning - Sets a message output level to warning
- k2hdkcpx_toggle_comlog - Toggles the communication log output
- k2hdkcpx_unset_debug_file - Sets output messages to stderr